website management

10 things to do right now for a better WordPress site

If you want your website to be successful and useful to your readers, there’s always something to improve. This article presents a checklist of 10 things to do right now to drastically improve your WordPress site quality, loading speed and usability. Use a Caching Plugin Caching makes dynamic websites a lot faster to load, so …

10 things to do right now for a better WordPress site 查看全文 »

11 Website Maintenance Tasks You Need to Do At Least Every Month

You just invested a sizable chunk of your hard-earned money for a brand new, mobile responsive site, built to draw in the traffic. Whew! Now you won’t have to worry about website maintenance for at least a few years, right? Wrong! A website is a lot like a car. If you don’t change your oil regularly, instead of …

11 Website Maintenance Tasks You Need to Do At Least Every Month 查看全文 »